
车祸每天都在发生. While some may be fender benders that only involve small insurance claims to repair the vehicles, 其他问题则严重得多.


当你在密歇根州发生车祸时, 你可能需要一个交通事故律师. 在这种情况下, it is important that any guidance you seek comes from qualified legal professionals that are knowledgeable in 密歇根’s complex auto vehicle accident laws. 凯琳律师事务所的律师, 具备PLC知识, experience and reputation to ensure your rights are protected and to maximize your financial recovery.


2018年,密歇根州报告了312,798起汽车事故. 其中,974人死亡,75,838人受伤. 如果事故涉及身体, 精神或情感上的伤害, 或死亡, we advise retaining legal counsel so that you understand what compensation you are due by law and ensure your legal rights are preserved and protected.


  • Medical expenses (ER Visits, Hospitalizations, MRIs, surgery, specialist visits, therapy, etc.)
  • 损失的收入和福利
  • Attendant care (home assistance with medical needs and activities of daily living)
  • Replacement services (assistance completing daily household services and chores)
  • Medical mileage (mileage / transportation expenses for traveling to and from medical treatment)
  • 家修改
  • 车辆的修改
  • 医疗设备
  • 痛苦和折磨


The shock of a car accident sets in immediately when you’ve been involved in an auto accident. 如果你幸运的话, 没有人员伤亡, 你会很快调整并记下名字, 联系信息, 保险信息. If the collision is more serious, it can be difficult to remember what to do first. Here are a few suggestions to keep handy in case you are in an accident.

1. 检查伤情/就医

首先,保持冷静. 看看你的周围,如果你, 你的乘客, 或者其他与事故有关的人似乎受伤了. 如果是,请拨打911. It is important be evaluated by a medical professional as soon after the accident as possible. 即使没有明显的伤害, 如果你看到烟雾,你会想要拨打911, 火, 燃油泄漏, 倒下的电线, 推翻了车辆, or other safety hazards that could put everyone at risk of further injury.

2. 与执法部门合作

基于事故发生的地点, 当地警方, 治安部门, 或者州警也会做出回应. When law enforcement arrives on the scene, be patient and wait for them to approach you. Have your identification, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance available. 尽你所能解释发生了什么.

3. 收集证据

At a minimum, record the make, model, year, and license plate numbers of the cars involved. 给其他司机的保险卡拍照. 它应该包括司机的姓名,地址和VIN. If possible, take a picture or write down the driver’s license numbers, as well. Take photographs of the accident scene and vehicles involved if you can do so safely.

4. 把事故报告给你的保险公司

Once you are able, call your insurance company and report the accident. When you agreed to pay for insurance coverage, you agreed to abide by the Cooperation Clause. That means that you must immediately report any accident to your insurance agency, 即使没有明显的伤害或损害. 如果你没有报告事故,后来才发现受伤, 你的保险公司可能不会赔偿你的索赔, 或者他们甚至可以选择取消你的保险.

5. 了解密歇根州无过错保险法

密歇根 and a few other states have a no-fault insurance law in effect. What that means for you is your automobile insurance company is required to pay for your medical bills, lost wages and other accident-related expenses no matter who may have been at fault for the collision. 获得这些好处, you must first file an application for no-fault benefits with your insurance company. Your auto insurance company will not compensate you for your pain and suffering from the accident. 而不是, 在某些情况下, the at-fault driver / insurance company is required to compensate you for your pain and suffering. 这样的索赔与你们的无过错索赔是不同的. 密歇根’s no-fault and at at-fault car accident laws are complex and confusing to say the least. It is in your best interest to retain an experienced vehicle collision attorney to advise you on all the claims that can be filed and the compensation you may obtain from each.


除非先雇个律师. You should always have an attorney present when speaking with or allowing an adjuster to view the damage from an auto accident in 密歇根. This is true when interactions with both your own car insurance company and anyone else’s auto insurance company about any detail pertaining to the accident or your injuries. Insurance companies’ job is to minimize the amount of the claim they pay, so it is to their advantage to have you sign a release as quickly as possible. 没有法律顾问, you could inadvertently prevent recouping damages that could arise later if you sign a release or make a statement that could be used to withhold insurance proceeds.


在大急流城有办公室, 密歇根, 龙8国际app car accident attorneys are available for your needs regardless of where you live in the state. Our staff of attorneys can help ensure that you are fairly and promptly compensated for injuries or loss due to a car accident. We are a client-focused firm that is committed to the best interests of our clients. When you need help with a vehicle accident claim, contact us today at our Grand Rapids office at (269) 382-4818 或者在线咨询.

Attorney Keilen possesses a remarkable understanding of litigation strategy and displays a court room demeanor and poise only seen in seasoned litigators.

——本杰明·J. 赫伯特,本杰明律师事务所. 赫伯特